Strange as a Clockwork Apple Pie

So if you were to look at the bottom half of the US Olympic team’s 2014 uniforms (while perhaps holding up a hand to obscure the top half), you’d no doubt think “Oh no, Ralph Lauren has, for some reason, decided to call forth the look of Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of A Clockwork Orange, and made our fine athletes look like a bunch of ultraviolent droogs!”  But if you then moved your hand to take in the top half of the uniform, you’d realize that things were much, much worse:



So, will the story of this team have a “21st chapter” of redemption and maturity, or will it end on a darker note, like the movie?

~ by smwilliams on January 28, 2014.

2 Responses to “Strange as a Clockwork Apple Pie”

  1. Well…it is eye-catching.

    • Really, the upsetting thing is that if our team’s outfits are going to recall a dystopian novel/movie, it should be one of our dystopias. Let the team from Great Britain go with the Clockwork Orange reference. Although come to think of it, a lot of Olympics outfits have a sort of Hunger Games vibe.

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