Not knowing what you said, you said it

calvin_and_muaddibSpeaking of comics, In the word of modified comic strips, there is still nothing so pathos-laden and full of melancholy as Garfield Minus Garfield, but the combination of Bill Waterson and Frank Herbert in Calvin and Muad’Dib has certainly made a run for the profundity prize.  It is also good to see that someone has come up with a secondary purpose for all those great quotes.


~ by smwilliams on September 19, 2013.

One Response to “Not knowing what you said, you said it”

  1. A good mashup, perhaps even great, but can they even compare with the Family Circus- Cthulhu mashups, like the family Sarnath,
    or Cthulhu Circus
    The mind reels in dread and horror…

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