Can I make something interesting happen every 1,000 words?

I’m planning to run a bit of an experiment by posting a serial here, a bit at a time. I liCliffke serials, myself, but they aren’t the easiest thing to get published, so I’d rather toss a serial out on a website, as opposed to, say, a short story.  Really, though, I’m interested in seeing if I can maintain a serial in small chunks for an extended period of time, since it will require a fair amount of cliffhangerization.   I’ll be moving fairly quickly with this, and I don’t expect it to be particularly polished, so comments and critiques are welcome.  My plan is to post a piece every Saturday, so I can use the nicely alliterative title “Serial Saturdays”.

~ by smwilliams on April 8, 2011.

One Response to “Can I make something interesting happen every 1,000 words?”

  1. Kevin O. McLaughlin, one of the Twelve Worlds authors, has also looked into doing serials. You might compare notes sometime.

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